You touched absolutely every aspect of my life, i get daily reminders of your influence and absence which I try my best to control, accept and enjoy. I am both lucky and extremely grateful for having known, loved and been taught so much by you, my best friend, role model, father figure and all round hero. You always thrived on teaching and showing me things from a young age and a lot of who I am today is because of you, this is reflected In the four kids as you honed your skills being my role model and then absolutely flourished as a father, although Alexander was not lucky enough to get to know you and Kelvin was still extremely young, i promise they will never forget who there daddy was and what a great, warm hearted man you were. Not always one to practice what you preached you never stopped trying to encourage and help the potential of others, you always believed in and encouraged me and had an uncanny ability to tell me exactly what I needed to hear to guide me in the right direction . No amount of words can express the pain and loss I and the entire family have felt since you passed, time has brought acceptance but no more, the wound is still as raw now as the day you left us, the kids, Shona and the family as a whole have been absolutely wonderful at supporting each other and doing our best to fill the gap you have left but by fuck that's a big hole. Everyday I see and think of you and am so happy we had the time and love that we did, as hard as the constant reminders of my loss are it is also a huge comfort to see the fruits of your labour in my life and those of the people that were lucky enough to know you. Be in peace bro, its my time to step up i will take care of things here just like you taught me
10th February 2018